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Home screen

You can customize the Home screen to suit your needs.
From the main Home screen, you can do the following:
Option Steps

Change the home and lock screen wallpaper

Press and hold the Home screen, then select Wallpapers.

You can also go to Settings > Wallpaper, and then tap Wallpaper & style.

Add widgets

Press and hold the Home screen, then select Widgets.

Add apps

Press and hold an app on the Apps screen, then drag it to the Home screen.

Group apps into folders

  1. On the Home screen, press and hold an app, then drag it over to another app. A folder will be created.
  2. Tap Edit name and enter a folder name.
  3. Drag more apps to the folder.
  4. Tap outside the folder to close it.

Enable automatic Home screen rotation

  1. Press and hold the Home screen, then select Home settings.
  2. Turn on Allow Home screen rotation.

Add or remove a Home screen panel

A new Home screen panel will be added when you drag an app or widget to the right edge of the rightmost Home screen panel.

After you move all apps and widgets out from a Home screen panel, the empty Home screen panel will be deleted automatically.

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