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Why are the apps on my phone crashing and force closing?

In some instances, an app may force close, crash, frequently freeze or stop responding, or generally not work as the app was designed. This can be caused by many factors, but most app issues can be fixed by updating the software or clearing the app data.

App updates usually contain patches to fix problems identified with the app. Some app updates are delivered through Google Play Store , while others are in device software updates.

Clear app data

Clearing app data will delete all settings, saved information, or other configuration from the app.
Important: Before doing this step, make sure to back up any important information.
  1. From the Home screen, tap Settings > Apps.
  2. Tap See all __ apps.
  3. Find and tap the app that is experiencing the issue.
  4. Tap Storage & cache > Clear cache.

Update apps from Google Play Store

Make sure all of your apps are up to date, since many app developers will include performance improvements with app updates.

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap your profile photo, and then tap Manage apps & devices > Updates available.
  3. Tap Update all to update all installed apps. To update specific apps, tap the Update button next to the app.

Update your phone's software

If the issue is not being caused by an app, check for updates to your phone's software and if an update is available, download and install it.

  1. On the Home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Tap System > Software updates.
  3. Tap Check now.
    • If a software update is available, follow the onscreen instructions to install it.
    • If there's no software update found, it means you already have the latest system software that's supported by your phone. To check the software version, go to Settings > About phone > Android version.

Reinstall an app

If the app was downloaded or updated from the Google Play Store app, reinstalling the app or update may resolve the issue with the app.
  1. From the Home screen, tap Settings > Apps.
  2. Tap See all __ apps.
  3. Find and tap the app that is experiencing the issue.
  4. Tap Uninstall to remove the app (if it's a downloaded app) or uninstall the app update (of a preinstalled app).
  5. Tap OK to confirm.
  6. Install the app or update again via the Google Play Store app.
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