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Getting started with the VIVERSE Worlds mobile app

The VIVERSE platform connects individuals and communities together in the metaverse, allowing you to create avatars, explore virtual worlds, and socialize from any device. With the VIVERSE Worlds mobile app, you can do all these things right from your phone.

Note: You can download the latest app version from Google Play Store.
If this is your first time using the VIVERSE Worlds app, here's how to get started:
  1. On your phone, open VIVERSE Worlds.
  2. Do one of the following:
    Option Steps
    Use the mobile app as a guest user If you don't have an HTC account, select a basic avatar and tap Continue. This allows you to navigate through the different VIVERSE features and services in the mobile app as a guest user.
    Sign in with an HTC account Tap Sign in and sign in to VIVERSE using one of the following methods:
    • Email address or phone number that you use for your HTC account

      Tip: If you don't have an HTC account, tap Create New Account to create one.

    • WalletConnect (with a compatible wallet)
    • Google account
    • SteamVR account
  3. Tap the tabs at the bottom to use the different VIVERSE features and services.
    Tab Description
    Explore Explore the diverse worlds within VIVERSE, including exciting collaborations and exhibitions with partners.

    For details, see the World Help and FAQs in the VIVERSE Help Center.

    Market Choose from our curated NFT collections created by renowned artists, brands, and creators worldwide. Buy yourself pieces of artwork collectibles, World environments, digital assets, and more.

    For details, see the Market Help and FAQs in the VIVERSE Help Center.

    • View and manage content you've created, purchased, and saved on your account, which include your Worlds, avatars, and assets.
    • View and edit your profile.
    • View your activities and change settings.
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