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Google Assistant responds to "‍Hey Google"‍, but it doesn't respond when I try to use my voice to search or type. What do I do?

If Google responds to "‍Hey Google"‍, but nothing happens when you try searching or typing with your voice, try to update your phone's software.

Update your phone's software

If the issue is not being caused by an app, check for updates to your phone's software and if an update is available, download and install it.

  1. On the Home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Tap System > Software updates.
  3. Tap Check now.
    • If a software update is available, follow the onscreen instructions to install it.
    • If there's no software update found, it means you already have the latest system software that's supported by your phone. To check the software version, go to Settings > About phone > Android version.
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