Android 6.0 Marshmallow Android™ 6.0 Marshmallow brings new features that make your mobile life more convenient.
Slots with card trays There are trays inside the nano SIM and microSD slots that are used for inserting your c...
Displaying the battery percentage You can check the percentage of remaining battery power right from the status bar.
Adding your social networks, email accounts, and more You can sync contacts, calendars, and other information from your social networks, email accounts...
Back panel Camera LED flash NFC area HTC One A9 can use NFC to only make secure mobile payments at contactle...
Resetting network settings Reset the network settings when you're having problems connecting HTC One A9 to your mobile data or...
Receiving files using Bluetooth HTC One A9 lets you receive various files with Bluetooth, including photos, music tracks, contac...
What can I do if my phone keeps rebooting or won't boot all the way to the Home screen? When the phone is unable to fully boot to the Home screen or keeps rebooting, it may be having issu...