HTC Desire 825 dual sim‎

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Notification LED

The notification LED shows a:
  • Solid green light when HTC Desire 825 is connected to the power adapter or a computer and the battery is fully charged.
  • Flashing green light when you have a pending notification.
  • Solid orange light when the battery is being charged.
  • Flashing orange light when the battery level reaches very low.

Choosing when to flash the notification LED

You can change when to flash and which apps will flash the LED when there are new notifications.
  1. From the Home screen, tap > Settings > Sound & notification.
  2. Under Notifications, tap Flash LED for notifications. Choose whether to always flash the LED or flash it only when the screen is off.
  3. Tap Manage LED notifications. Choose which app notifications you want the LED to flash for.
Tip: In other apps, check their settings to find out if they have an option for flashing the LED.
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