HTC One X10‎

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Updating your phone's software

HTC One X10 can check and notify you if there’s a new update available.

Updates for some HTC apps and features, such as HTC Sense Home, may be downloaded and installed from Google Play. See Installing app updates from Google Play for details.

Checking your system software version

Before installing a system software update, you can check first what Android version you have on your phone.
  1. From the Home screen, tap > Settings > About.
  2. Tap Software information.

Enabling automatic updates

You can choose to automatically download and install software updates for HTC or mobile operator apps.
  1. From the Home screen, tap , and then find and tap Settings.
  2. Tap About > Software updates.
  3. To save on data usage, you can choose to update through Wi‍-Fi only.
  4. Choose whether to auto-download system updates, app updates, or both.

    App updates are installed automatically. You'll still need to confirm when to install system software updates.

Installing a software update

When HTC One X10 is connected to the Internet and there's a new software update available, the update notification icon appears in the status bar.
  1. Slide the Notifications panel open, and then tap the system update notification.
  2. If you don't want to download the update using your data connection, select Update over Wi-Fi only.
  3. Tap Download.
  4. When download is complete, select Install now, and then tap OK.

After updating, HTC One X10 will restart.

Installing an application update

When Internet connection is on and there's an available update for your HTC or mobile operator apps, the update notification icon appears in the status bar.
  1. Slide the Notifications panel open, and then tap the update notification.

    The Updates screen opens with the list of application updates to be installed.

  2. Tap an item to view its details, and then tap .
  3. When you're done reviewing the updates, tap Install. You'll be asked to restart HTC One X10 if needed.

Installing app updates from Google Play

Some HTC apps and third-party apps get updated with improvements and bug fixes through Google Play. You can manually update apps or set your phone to automatically download and install app updates when available.
  1. From the Home screen, tap , and then find and tap Play Store.
  2. Tap to open the slideout menu.
  3. Tap My apps & games.

    You'll see a list of apps installed on your phone.

  4. Under Updates, tap an app.
  5. Tap Update.
  6. If prompted, tap Accept.
Tip: In Play Store, tap > Settings > Auto-update apps to choose how you want Google Play to update your apps.

Checking for updates manually

Note: Turn on mobile data or connect HTC One X10 to a Wi‍-Fi network before you check for updates.
  1. From the Home screen, tap , and then find and tap Settings.
  2. Tap About > Software updates. HTC One X10 checks if updates are available.
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