Turning your data connection off when not in use saves battery life and money on data charges.
- You need a 5G NR/4G
LTE plan to use your operator's 5G NR/4G
LTE network for voice calls and data services. Check with your operator for details.
- Dual SIM supports both 5G NR and 4G
LTE SIM cards. Only one card can use 5G NR at a time.
Open the full
Quick Settings panel. See
Quick Settings.
Tap the
Mobile data tile to turn the data connection on and off.
Note: If you do not see the
Mobile data tile on the Quick Settings panel, swipe left to see more tiles.
Important: If you don’t have the data connection turned on and you’re also not connected to a
Wi-Fi network, you won’t receive automatic updates to your email, social network accounts, and other synced information.