VIVERSE for Healthcare: benefits of using VR in rehabilitation

A report on Rehabilitation Global Needs by Physiopedia (2022, March 1) has suggested that rehabilitation is needed by 2.41 billion people globally. HTC VIVE has partnered with healthcare companies like Penumbra and XRHealth, and set out on a mission to make rehabilitation more accessible by leveraging VR. Enhance therapy results by combining real-life sessions with VR programs.
Let’s take a look at 3 major benefits of using virtual reality in physical therapy: 

  • Make Physical Therapy More Accessible

The enormous need for physical therapy(PT) has also generated a huge unmet need amongst the population. The high cost of PT, limited insurance coverage and rural residence are all factors that inhibit access to PT.

With VR, patients can meet their therapist in VR and start a session in the comfort of their own home. This not only eliminates the cost of transportation, but also the cost of the venue. Furthermore, the patient not only has access to a session guided by a professional physical therapist, the patient can also practice in their own time in a VR program. 

  • Build Confidence in PT Patients

Physical therapists can set up an alternative reality experience by incorporating VR with real-life equipment and assistance. Create a virtual environment where the patients get fully immersed and regain the motor function that was lost. This can lead to the building of confidence in patients and empower them to move better, and thus results in a greater recovery.


  • Reintroduce Patients to Daily Life

The goal of physical therapy is to help people readapt to their daily life as well as social activities regardless of their injuries. VR creates an immersive mockup of real-life environments, enabling patients to practice movement in realistic settings. The patients can adapt in real-life situations, and complete daily activities to help them reacclimatise into their day-to-day life.

Learn more about VIVERSE for healthcare.