VIVERSE for education: Benefits of having your next learning session in VR

VR has shown itself to be a useful tool in the world of education. VR learning breaks the limitation of your immediate surroundings and grants learners the ability to learn through virtual aids only limited by their imagination. 

HTC VIVE is dedicated to creating not only hardware but also virtual environments for people to have extraordinary VR learning experiences. Research has shown that VR increases the quality of learning and retention by 70–90%. Let’s take a look at the benefits of having VR in education: 

Visualized Journey

VR learning: Visualized Journey

No matter if you are learning about the composition of a grain of sand or the history of black holes, VR brings the visualized content to your eyes and enables you to explore every aspect of detail. This is a huge benefit for medical students learning about complicated surgeries

Reduced distraction

In traditional learning settings, the lack of control over your environment can lead to many unwanted distractions. VR learning reduces outside distraction to the minimum. Use VR hardware to curate your very own learning environment within the metaverse. Keep your learning within your control.

Not limited to time and space

VR learning: Not limited to time and space

We can all agree that education should not only be limited to just classrooms or textbooks. While taking the learning out in the field is a great solution, cost, safety, and physical limitations are some of many things to consider. It is unlikely to have a field trip to Machu Picchu in the morning and the Taj Mahal in the afternoon. 

Now with the help of VR, every historical site in the world is just moments away. You can even travel back in time to relive historical events or hop aboard a spaceship and explore the universe.

Hands-on learning

VR learning: Hands-on learning

Instead of just passively receiving information, VR learning provides a more hands-on, gamified experience. Gamification promotes higher engagement and increases students’ attention and focus

At the same time, hands-on VR learning motivates them to practice the skills they have learned. To quote American writer Dale Carnegie on this: “Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.”

Support children with special needs

VR learning: Support children with special needs

While traditional learning depends mostly on reading and listening, learning in the metaverse is a holistic experience. VR learning transforms plain words from lectures and textbooks into engaging and interactive experiences. This is particularly helpful for children with dyslexia or ADHD. 

VR learning also empowers children with physical disabilities to join their peers on spectacular journeys in the metaverse. Every student will have the ability to dive deep into the Mariana Trench to discover the mysterious marine ecosystem or fly up high above the atmosphere to observe the workings of planet Earth.

VR is the enablement of possibilities for everyone while creating better and more engaging learning experiences. It provides students of all ages to learn more effectively with fun and immersive interactions.

If you would like to learn more about the safety of underage children in the virtual world, check out this blogpost on VIVE Guardian.

Learn more about VIVERSE.

Stay tuned for more VIVERSE service reveals very soon.