5 Mental Health Professional We Want in the Metaverse

Mental health is a serious game, and there are some notable leaders in the space that are bringing awareness to mental health and wellness. We at VIVE want to welcome these professionals to come join us in our pursuit of mental wellness in VR.

5 Mental Health Professional We Want in the Metaverse

DR. Daniel Amen

Dr. Amen is a world-renowned psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist known for his consultation work for the NFL.  He has no shortage of accolades as he is also a New York Times best-selling author and boasts an impressive 1 million followers on TikTok.  He’s made it his mission to share his mental health practices and teachings across his platforms. 

As VR mental wellness and VR fitness continue to develop in the metaverse, we want to see how he would use the capabilities of VR for mental health training and recovery.


5 Mental Health Professional We Want in the Metaverse

DR. Michaela Dunbar

Dr. Dunbar has shared about her own battle with social anxiety, and has used her career as a clinical psychologist to empower women worldwide.  She primarily focuses on online coaching, therapy sessions, and her masterclass.  Her content can range from giving advice on confronting difficult emotions to battling anxiety over imposter syndrome.

We think that Dr. Dunbar could take the technologies that VIVE has to offer to help her clients battle their own social anxiety.


5 Mental Health Professional We Want in the Metaverse

Dr. Saliha Afridi

Dr. Afridi is a clinical psychologist and the Founder of LightHouse Arabia, a renowned mental healthcare facility in Dubai.  Her and her associates at LightHouse seek to improve the mental health literacy of Dubai and the region as a whole.  Dr. Afridi also offers her wisdom through the Raymee Grief Center, an online grief support group.

Dr. Afridi could use the world of VR and its immersive technology to help families reconnect no matter where they are to celebrate one another or their loved ones that they may have lost.


5 Mental Health Professional We Want in the Metaverse

Priya Harpaul

Priya Harpaul is a mental health counselor that uses her online platforms to promote mental health wellness and tips to bolster it.  With a focus on helping BIPOC communities, she offers her advice on maintaining healthy mindsets, dissecting relationships, and battling anxiety.

We think that the therapeutic nature of VR technologies like VIVE Flow would help her and her clients in their pursuit for mental health wellness. 


5 Mental Health Professional we want in VR

Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein

Dr. Rubenstein is a psychologist that specializes in anxiety, burnout, and perfection.  She is also known for her work in the gaming world as the Chief Wellness Officer for MisFits gaming, a professional gaming organization.

As the world of VR has many intersections, including gaming, we would love to see how Dr. Rubenstein could implement the therapeutic nature of VR into the realm of gaming. Each one of these professionals has done tremendous work in the world of mental health, and we want to applaud them for their great efforts.  We only hope we get the opportunity to see them creatively use the metaverse to empower their communities. 

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