HTC Sync Manager

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Installing HTC Sync Manager on your computer

You can install HTC Sync Manager on Windows XP or later versions.

To install it on a Mac computer, you need OS X 10.6 or later versions.

  1. Download the HTC Sync Manager installer from the HTC support site: htc‍.‍com‍/‍hsm‍/.
  2. Launch the installer and follow the onscreen instructions.
  3. Connect your phone to your computer using the supplied USB cable. HTC Sync Manager opens.
  4. If HTC Sync Manager didn't automatically open, you may need to do one of the steps below, depending on the Android version installed on your phone.
    • When prompted if you want to use USB for file transfers, tap Yes.
    • Slide the Notifications panel open, tap the Use USB for notification and select File transfers.
    • Slide the Notifications panel open and tap the HTC Sync Manager notification to give it permission.
  • If you have problems in installing HTC Sync Manager, close all your running programs and reinstall. If the problem persists, temporarily disable your anti-virus program and try installing again.
  • If you disabled your anti-virus program, make sure to turn it back on after installing HTC Sync Manager.