HTC Desire 512 (Cricket)‎

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Saving your settings as a camera mode

Save a scene or custom settings as a new camera mode so you can conveniently use it anytime you need it.
  1. Open the Camera app.
  2. Switch to the camera mode you want to use.
    Note: Some camera modes may not support modifying the camera settings.
  3. On the Viewfinder screen, tap to show the camera options.
  4. Modify the settings as desired.
  5. When done, tap > Save custom camera.
  6. Enter a name, and then tap Save.

To select and use the newly created camera mode, tap on the Viewfinder screen.

Modifying a camera mode you've created

  1. Switch to a camera mode that you've created.
  2. Modify the scene or settings.
  3. Tap > Save custom camera.
  4. Tap Yes to save changes to the existing mode.
Tip: To delete a custom camera mode, tap . Press and hold a camera mode you've created, and then drag it to to delete it.
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